valeurs et engagements
Dans nos pratiques quotidiennes, nous accordons une grande importance à produire de façon responsable et locale…
values & commitments
In our daily practices, we place great importance on producing responsibly and locally...
All our decisions are taken with the aim of connecting meaning and action, so as to integrate ourselves as fully as possible into our environment.
We therefore attach particular importance to the origin of the materials we use. Most of the raw materials used in the manufacture of our skis are natural and of French or European origin.
We aim to keep our supply and logistics management channels as short as possible. We know the full impact of our materials, thanks to our in-depth knowledge of our partners and suppliers...

Pour l’ensemble de nos matières premières, nous privilégions un sourcing le plus local possible. Tous les bois utilisés garantissent la gestion durable des forêts et sont labelisés FSC. Les liens avec nos partenaires locaux participent à la dynamique de notre territoire. Par exemple, nos housses à skis sont confectionnées chez nos voisins Néo Atelier, à quelques pas de notre manufacture.
Nos casques, masques de ski et lunettes de soleil proviennent d’ateliers familiaux situés au cœur de l’Italie. La marque , we work with for our ski touring equipment enables us to encourage local employment and preserve know-how that has been handed down from generation to generation.
Bien évidemment, nous sommes fiers de pouvoir défendre le « Made In France » et de communiquer en toute transparence sur la fabrication de nos produits. Cela rentre dans une démarche de valorisation de nos compétences et du patrimoine, pour des produits d’excellence et de qualité réalisés à la manufacture, sans aucune délocalisation.

We source all our raw materials as locally as possible. All the wood we use guarantees sustainable forest management and is FSC-certified. The links we forge with our local partners contribute to the dynamism of our region. For example, our ski covers are made by our neighborsNeo Atelier, just a few steps from our factory.
Nos casques, masques de ski et lunettes de soleil proviennent d’ateliers familiaux situés au cœur de l’Italie. La marque, we work with for our ski touring equipment enables us to encourage local employment and preserve know-how that has been handed down from generation to generation.
Of course, we're proud to be able to defend the ‘Made In France’ label and to communicate transparently about the manufacture of our products. This is part of our approach to promoting our know-how and heritage, and to guaranteeing that our products are of the highest quality and made in-house, without being relocated.
We've equipped our roof with solar panels to take advantage of green energy to run the factory.
To reduce our impact, we recycle our leftover materials and waste, thanks to which we've created a collection of longboards or display units to make the most of wood scraps.
To guarantee the longevity of our skis and avoid over-consumption, we offer our customers high-quality annual maintenance. This step is part of our commitment to excellence and personalized customer service.