choose your skis
our three ranges
downhill skis
Giant'DZ, Slalom'DZ, Cruising'DZ, Easy'DZ, Light'DZ
all mountain
Dual'DZ, Lucky'DZ
touring skis
Alpi'DZ, Free'DZ, Crazy'DZ
To help you choose your skis, we invite you to refer to the table below to learn a little more about the technical nature of our products. When it comes to level, you can read the ‘Skier’ column, which will tell you which ski is best suited to your skills.
We make our skis from A to Z using raw materials that we receive and then process directly at the factory. At DÉNÉRIAZ, for example, to make the side rails, the key components in the skiability of our skis, we choose the species of wood best suited to each model according to their mechanical properties.
During the moulding process, the cohesion of our different ski models is then refined by the addition of composite fibres, also specially chosen for their specific characteristics.
We like this hard wood with its coarse grain and straight edge because it gives the ski precision and responsiveness. On the powder side, it adds bounce to all-mountain skis.
Then there's walnut, a medium-grained, straight-grained wood that provides a great deal of comfort by absorbing vibrations on the slopes. So it's invaluable for our Cruising'DZ model, as well as for the on-track side of the Dual'DZ.
Now let's talk about acacia,a heavy, hard and very resistant wood that is similar to exotic woods. It has a coarse grain and a straight edge. Very responsive, it is particularly well suited to slalom or giant slalom racing skis.
Let's talk about bamboo, 30% harder than oak, with a mechanical strength greater than that of steel, bamboo is an astonishing grass. Despite its extraordinary properties, bamboo is still very light, elastic and, of course, strong. That's why we use it in several of our models, including our ultra-light Alpi'DZ touring ski.
Finally, balsa isthe lightest wood in the world, and is used in particular in model aircraft. Although its density is very low, it is nonetheless highly resistant to axial compression. It is for these two essential qualities - lightness and resistance to compression - that we particularly appreciate it and use it in the heart of all our ski models.
Parlons maintenant de l'acacia, il s’agit d’un bois lourd, dur et très résistant qui s’apparente aux bois exotiques. Son grain est grossier et son fil droit. Très réactif, il est particulièrement adapté pour des skis de slalom ou de géant typés « racing ».
Venons en au bambou, 30% plus dur que le chêne, doté d’une résistance mécanique supérieure à celle de l’acier, le bambou est une graminée étonnante. Bien que présentant des propriétés hors normes, le bambou reste très léger, élastique et bien sur résistant. Pour ces raisons, nous l’utilisons dans plusieurs de nos modèles et notamment pour notre ski de randonnée Alpi’DZ, ultra-léger.
Enfin, le balsa, est le bois le plus léger du monde et est notamment utilisé dans l’aéromodélisme. Bien que sa masse volumique soit très faible il n’en est pas moins très résistant à la compression axiale. Ce sont pour ces deux qualités essentielles, légèreté et resistance à la compression, que nous l’apprécions tout particulièrement et l’utilisons donc dans le coeur de tous nos modèles de skis.